Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Beginning of a Photo Documentary

Well folks... here it is, the first official post on this blog. I'm Pete, a Boston area photographer who is typically involved with corporate event photography. This photoblog is my attempt to get out of a rut and back to the artistic style of photography,  maybe documenting some cool images along the way. This will hopefully entail technical shots and perhaps a little travel photography as well - it should be updated every few days, so check back often or subscribe on the right-side! The full portfolio of my work can be found on www.petemonge.com.

Here are a few shots from earlier today in Brookline and Brighton, MA.

Green Line Track - Cleveland Circle, Brighton

Fire Alarm - Fairbanks St, Brookline

Pump House - Chestnut Hill

Crackling - Beacon St, Brookline

Station Manhole - Fairbanks St, Brookline

Water Works - Chestnut Hill